Top 50 FAQs for NeuVector

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1. What is NeuVector?

Ans:- NeuVector is a container security platform that provides runtime protection for containers and Kubernetes environments.

2. What container orchestration platforms does NeuVector support?

Ans:- NeuVector supports popular container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker, OpenShift, and others.

3. What is container runtime security?

Ans:- Container runtime security involves protecting containers during their execution or runtime phase, ensuring their integrity and preventing security threats.

4. How does NeuVector secure containers at runtime?

Ans:- NeuVector secures containers by monitoring and protecting against runtime threats, leveraging behavioral learning, and enforcing security policies.

5. What types of threats does NeuVector protect against?

Ans:- NeuVector protects against various container-specific threats, including network attacks, privilege escalations, and container breakouts.

6. Does NeuVector support threat detection and response?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector provides threat detection and response capabilities, identifying and responding to security incidents in real-time.

7. How does NeuVector integrate with Kubernetes?

Ans:- NeuVector integrates seamlessly with Kubernetes, providing native security capabilities for containerized applications running in Kubernetes clusters.

8. Can NeuVector protect multi-cloud container environments?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector is designed to protect container workloads in multi-cloud environments, ensuring consistent security across different cloud platforms.

9. What is container image scanning, and does NeuVector support it?

Ans:- Container image scanning involves analyzing container images for vulnerabilities. Yes, NeuVector supports container image scanning to identify and mitigate security risks.

10. How does NeuVector handle network security for containers?

Ans:- NeuVector enforces network security policies for containers, ensuring that only authorized communications occur between containers and external entities.

11. What is container firewalling, and does NeuVector provide it?

Ans:- Container firewalling involves controlling and securing network traffic between containers. NeuVector provides container firewalling to control communication based on policies.

12. Can NeuVector integrate with CI/CD pipelines?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector integrates with CI/CD pipelines to provide continuous security scanning and validation during the container build and deployment process.

13. Does NeuVector support microservices security?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector is designed to support microservices architectures, ensuring security across complex and dynamic microservices environments.

14. What is runtime vulnerability management, and does NeuVector offer it?

Ans:- Runtime vulnerability management involves identifying and managing vulnerabilities during the execution of containerized applications. NeuVector provides runtime vulnerability management features.

15. How does NeuVector address container compliance requirements?

Ans:- NeuVector helps organizations meet compliance requirements by enforcing security policies and providing visibility into security posture.

16. Does NeuVector support encryption for container data in transit?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector supports encryption for container data in transit, securing communication channels between containers.

17. How does NeuVector handle container deployment in production?

Ans:- NeuVector ensures the security of container deployments in production by continuously monitoring and protecting against runtime threats.

18. Can NeuVector provide insights into container behavior and activity?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector provides visibility into container behavior and activity, helping organizations understand and monitor containerized applications.

19. Does NeuVector offer container vulnerability remediation?

Ans:- NeuVector assists in remediating container vulnerabilities by providing actionable insights and recommendations for securing containerized applications.

20. How does NeuVector address container escape attempts?

Ans:- NeuVector detects and prevents container escape attempts, ensuring that containers remain isolated and secure.

21. Does NeuVector support Kubernetes network policies?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector supports Kubernetes network policies, enabling organizations to define and enforce network security policies for their Kubernetes clusters.

22. What is container runtime behavioral learning?

Ans:- Container runtime behavioral learning involves understanding the normal behavior of containers and detecting anomalies that may indicate security threats. NeuVector utilizes this approach for threat detection.

23. Can NeuVector detect and prevent zero-day attacks?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector leverages behavioral learning and anomaly detection to identify and prevent zero-day attacks in containerized environments.

24. What is container forensics, and does NeuVector provide it?

Ans:- Container forensics involves investigating security incidents within containers. NeuVector provides container forensics capabilities to analyze and understand security events.

25. How does NeuVector handle container security for serverless applications?

Ans:- NeuVector can extend its security capabilities to protect serverless applications, ensuring comprehensive security across different deployment models.

26. Can NeuVector detect and block malicious containers in real-time?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector is designed to detect and block malicious containers in real-time, preventing them from causing harm to the container environment.

27. What is the NeuVector Security Console?

Ans:- The NeuVector Security Console is the central management and monitoring interface for NeuVector, providing a unified view of container security status and events.

28. Does NeuVector provide integration with SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector integrates with SIEM solutions to facilitate the aggregation and analysis of security events for better visibility and compliance reporting.

29. How does NeuVector handle container security for on-premises deployments?

Ans:- NeuVector is suitable for on-premises deployments, offering container security solutions tailored to organizations with private data centers.

30. What is NeuVector’s approach to container runtime visibility?

Ans:- NeuVector provides comprehensive container runtime visibility by capturing and analyzing data on container behavior, network traffic, and security events.

31. Does NeuVector support role-based access control (RBAC)?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector supports RBAC to ensure that users have appropriate permissions and access levels within the NeuVector platform.

32. Can NeuVector work with existing container orchestration and deployment tools?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector is designed to work seamlessly with existing container orchestration and deployment tools, providing security without disrupting existing workflows.

33. How does NeuVector handle container security for stateful applications?

Ans:- NeuVector can protect stateful applications by providing security features tailored to the unique requirements of stateful containerized workloads.

34. What is NeuVector’s approach to container risk management?

Ans:- NeuVector helps organizations manage container-related risks by identifying vulnerabilities, enforcing security policies, and providing insights into potential risks.

35. Does NeuVector support automated incident response for containers?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector supports automated incident response for containers, allowing organizations to quickly and efficiently respond to security incidents.

36. What is the NeuVector Vulnerability Explorer?

Ans:- The NeuVector Vulnerability Explorer is a feature that provides visibility into vulnerabilities within container images and helps prioritize remediation efforts.

37. Can NeuVector protect containers in a serverless architecture?

Ans:- NeuVector can extend its container security capabilities to protect containers within serverless architectures, offering flexibility across different deployment models.

38. How does NeuVector help organizations meet compliance standards for containerized environments?

Ans:- NeuVector assists organizations in meeting compliance standards by providing the necessary security controls and reporting features required by regulatory bodies.

39. What is the NeuVector Image Security Scanning feature?

Ans:- The NeuVector Image Security Scanning feature scans container images for vulnerabilities, ensuring that only secure images are deployed in production environments.

40. How does NeuVector address container security challenges in a DevOps environment?

Ans:- NeuVector is designed to seamlessly integrate with DevOps workflows, providing security as code and enabling continuous security throughout the development lifecycle.

41. What is the NeuVector Container Security Policy Management feature?

Ans:- The Container Security Policy Management feature in NeuVector allows organizations to define and enforce security policies for containers.

42. Can NeuVector detect and prevent container runtime anomalies?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector uses behavioral learning to detect and prevent container runtime anomalies, helping organizations identify potential security threats.

43. What is the NeuVector Security Health Check?

Ans:- The NeuVector Security Health Check is a feature that assesses the overall security posture of containerized environments and provides recommendations for improvement.

44. How does NeuVector handle container security for multi-tenant environments?

Ans:- NeuVector supports multi-tenancy, allowing organizations to secure containerized workloads in shared environments with isolation and policy enforcement.

45. What is the NeuVector Threat Intelligence Integration feature?

Ans:- The Threat Intelligence Integration feature in NeuVector integrates threat intelligence feeds to enhance the platform’s ability to detect and respond to emerging threats.

46. Can NeuVector provide insights into container runtime performance?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector can provide insights into container runtime performance, allowing organizations to monitor and optimize the performance of containerized applications.

47. What is the NeuVector Kubernetes Security Integration?

Ans:- The NeuVector Kubernetes Security Integration feature ensures that NeuVector seamlessly integrates with Kubernetes, leveraging native Kubernetes security controls.

48. How does NeuVector support incident investigation and forensics for containers?

Ans:- NeuVector supports incident investigation and forensics by providing detailed insights into security events, allowing organizations to understand and analyze incidents.

49. What is the NeuVector Compliance Explorer?

Ans:- The NeuVector Compliance Explorer is a feature that helps organizations assess their compliance with industry standards and regulations related to container security.

50. Can NeuVector provide real-time visibility into container network traffic?

Ans:- Yes, NeuVector provides real-time visibility into container network traffic, allowing organizations to monitor and analyze communication patterns for security and compliance purposes.

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