Top 50 FAQs for RPM

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1. What is RPM?

Ans:- RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager. It is a package management system used for installing, updating, and managing software packages on Red Hat-based Linux distributions.

2. Which Linux distributions use RPM?

Ans:- RPM is primarily used by Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Fedora, and other distributions that are based on or compatible with Red Hat.

3. What is the purpose of an RPM package?

Ans:- An RPM package is a compressed archive that contains software binaries, libraries, configuration files, and metadata required for installing and managing a specific software application.

4. How do I install an RPM package?

Ans:- You can install an RPM package using the rpm command. For example: rpm -i package.rpm.

5. How do I remove an RPM package?

Ans:- To remove an RPM package, you can use the rpm command with the -e option. For example: rpm -e package.

6. What is the difference between RPM and YUM?

Ans:- RPM is the package manager, while YUM is a higher-level tool that utilizes RPM. YUM provides dependency resolution and automatic updates by managing repositories.

7. How do I query information about an installed RPM package?

Ans:- Use the rpm -q command followed by the package name. For example: rpm -q packageName.

8. Can RPM handle package dependencies?

Ans:- Yes, RPM can handle dependencies, but it may not automatically resolve them. YUM, on the other hand, is designed to handle dependency resolution.

9. How do I find dependencies for an RPM package?

Ans:- You can use the rpm -qR command to list the dependencies of an RPM package. For example: rpm -qR packageName.

10. How do I install dependencies for an RPM package?

Ans:- Manually installing dependencies can be done using the yum install command followed by the package names. For example: yum install dependencyPackage.

11. What is a spec file in RPM packaging?

Ans:- A spec file is a text file that contains instructions and metadata needed to build an RPM package. It defines the package name, version, dependencies, build process, and more.

12. How do I create an RPM package?

Ans:- To create an RPM package, you need to create a spec file and use the rpmbuild command. This involves specifying the source files, build instructions, and other package details.

13. What is the RPM database?

Ans:- The RPM database is a central repository that stores information about installed RPM packages on a Linux system. It keeps track of installed files, permissions, and other package-related details.

14. How do I list all installed RPM packages?

Ans:- You can use the rpm -qa command to list all installed RPM packages on a system.

15. How do I upgrade an RPM package to a newer version?

Ans:- Use the rpm -U command followed by the package name to upgrade an RPM package. For example: rpm -U packageName.rpm.

16. Can I downgrade an RPM package?

Ans:- Yes, you can downgrade an RPM package using the rpm -U command with the –oldpackage option. For example: rpm -U –oldpackage packageName.rpm.

17. How do I verify the integrity of installed RPM packages?

Ans:- Use the rpm -V command to verify the integrity of installed RPM packages. For example: rpm -V packageName.

18. What is RPM Fusion?

Ans:- RPM Fusion is a community-driven repository that provides additional software packages not included in the official repositories of Fedora and Red Hat. It includes both free and non-free software.

19. How do I install an RPM package from a specific repository?

Ans:- Use the yum install command followed by the package name and the repository option. For example: yum install packageName –enablerepo=repositoryName.

20. What is the RPM payload?

Ans:- The RPM payload is the actual content of the package, including binaries, libraries, and configuration files. It is stored in a compressed cpio archive within the RPM package.

21. How do I find the location of files installed by an RPM package?

Ans:- Use the rpm -ql command followed by the package name to list all files installed by a specific RPM package. For example: rpm -ql packageName.

22. How do I extract files from an RPM package without installing it?

Ans:- Use the rpm2cpio command along with cpio to extract files from an RPM package. For example: rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -idmv.

23. Can I install multiple RPM packages in a single command?

Ans:- Yes, you can install multiple RPM packages in a single command by specifying their names separated by spaces. For example: rpm -i package1.rpm package2.rpm.

24. What is the RPM buildroot?

Ans:- The RPM buildroot is a temporary directory where RPM builds and installs a package during the packaging process. It is specified in the spec file.

25. How do I find the version of an installed RPM package?

Ans:- Use the rpm -q –queryformat command to display specific information about an installed package, including its version. For example: rpm -q packageName –queryformat “%{VERSION}”.

26. What is RPM signing, and why is it important?

Ans:- RPM signing involves digitally signing RPM packages to verify their authenticity and integrity. It ensures that the packages have not been tampered with and come from a trusted source.

27. How do I import a GPG key for RPM package verification?

Ans:- Use the rpm –import command to import a GPG key for RPM package verification. For example: rpm –import /path/to/keyfile.

28. What is the RPM changelog, and how do I view it?

Ans:- The RPM changelog contains information about changes made to the package. Use the rpm -q –changelog command to view the changelog for an installed package. For example: rpm -q –changelog packageName.

29. How do I query a list of files provided by an RPM package before installing it?

Ans:- Use the rpm -qlp command followed by the package file to list files provided by an RPM package without installing it. For example: rpm -qlp packageName.rpm.

30. How do I exclude specific RPM packages during a YUM operation?

Ans:- Use the –exclude option with the yum command to exclude specific RPM packages during operations. For example: yum install packageName –exclude=excludedPackage.

31. What is RPM macro expansion in spec files?

Ans:- RPM macros are placeholders in spec files that get replaced with values during the build process. They allow for more flexible and reusable spec files.

32. How do I create a source RPM (SRPM)?

Ans:- To create a source RPM, use the rpmbuild -bs command followed by the spec file. For example: rpmbuild -bs packageName.spec.

33. How do I rebuild an RPM package from the source RPM?

Ans:- Use the rpmbuild –rebuild command followed by the source RPM file to rebuild the RPM package. For example: rpmbuild –rebuild packageName.src.rpm.

34. What is the RPM query format and how can I customize it?

Ans:- The RPM query format allows users to customize the output of queries. Use the –queryformat option with the rpm -q command to specify the desired format.

35. How do I find which RPM package provides a specific file?

Ans:- Use the rpm -qf command followed by the file path to find the RPM package that provides a specific file. For example: rpm -qf /path/to/file.

36. How do I install an RPM package with its dependencies using YUM?

Ans:- Use the yum install command followed by the package name. YUM automatically resolves and installs dependencies. For example: yum install packageName.

37. How do I download an RPM package without installing it?

Ans:- Use the yum downloadonly command followed by the package name to download an RPM package without installing it. For example: yum install –downloadonly packageName.

38. How do I upgrade all installed RPM packages to the latest version using YUM?

Ans:- Use the yum update command to upgrade all installed RPM packages to their latest versions. For example: yum update.

39. What is the purpose of the RPM query tags like %{name}, %{version}, and %{release}?

Ans:- RPM query tags represent various attributes of a package, such as its name, version, and release. They are used in spec files and scripts for dynamic content.

40. How do I check for security vulnerabilities in installed RPM packages?

Ans:- Tools like yum-plugin-security can be used to check for security vulnerabilities in installed RPM packages. For example: yum updateinfo list security all.

41. How do I downgrade an RPM package using YUM?

Ans:- Use the yum downgrade command followed by the package name to downgrade an RPM package. For example: yum downgrade packageName.

42. How do I enable or disable a repository during YUM operations?

Ans:- Use the –enablerepo or –disablerepo options with the yum command to enable or disable a specific repository during YUM operations.

43. How do I verify an RPM package’s digital signature?

Ans:- Use the rpm –checksig command followed by the package name to verify an RPM package’s digital signature. For example: rpm –checksig packageName.rpm.

44. Can I install an older version of an RPM package?

Ans:- Yes, you can install an older version of an RPM package using the rpm -U command with the –oldpackage option. For example: rpm -U –oldpackage packageName.rpm.

45. How do I query the documentation files provided by an RPM package?

Ans:- Use the rpm -qd command followed by the package name to query the documentation files provided by an RPM package. For example: rpm -qd packageName.

46. How do I exclude specific packages during a YUM update?

Ans:- Use the –exclude option with the yum update command to exclude specific packages during a YUM update. For example: yum update –exclude=excludedPackage.

47. What is the RPM Ghost Files feature?

Ans:- Ghost Files in RPM refer to files that are not present on the file system but are registered in the RPM database. They may exist due to changes made by users or scripts.

48. How do I verify the digital signatures of all installed RPM packages?

Ans:- Use the rpm -qa gpg-pubkey command to list all installed GPG keys. Verify each key using the rpm –checksig command.

49. How do I find the dependencies of an RPM package before installation?

Ans:- Use the yum deplist command followed by the package name to find the dependencies of an RPM package before installation. For example: yum deplist packageName.

50. How do I clean the YUM cache and remove old RPM packages?

Ans:- Use the yum clean all command to clean the YUM cache. To remove old RPM packages, you can use yum autoremove or manually delete them from the system.

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